Fantasy Brown
A combination of marble and quartzite. According to the Natural Stone Institute, Fantasy Brown is made of layers of marble and quartzite that have been fused together over time. The look and feel of Fantasy Brown are reminiscent of marble, but with brown and sandy hues, instead of gray. Fantasy Brown has smooth, diagonal lines of translucent gray and white with swirls of faint pastels. It is an extremely popular choice for designers and homeowners looking for a marble-like aesthetic with higher durablity. Fantasy Brown from Brazil, a marble features a beautiful, flowing pattern of apricot, pewter, and chestnut. It is formed when limestone is exposed to high temperatures and pressure and then crystallizes into marble.
Fantastic Brown - marble/dolomite
Hardness (Resistance to Scratches)
When it comes to hardness, it’s normally said that dolomite is between marble and granite, and although that is true, it can be misleading.
Dolomite is definitely a great option for those of you willing to accept Marble and it is considerably more resistant to scratches than that stone. However, don’t expect it to be almost scratch-proof as granite and quartzite, you will still need to be careful. Dolomitic-Marble stone performs better than other marbles in a kitchen countertop application due to the fact it has layers of quartzite and marble.
View Fantastic and Fantasy
View Supreme White